Node Installation
Node Binary Installation
Download the node zip file from the following link.
Unzip the downloaded file to the /usr/local directory
After unzipping the file, a new folder named "ztxchain" will appear at /usr/local directory. The folder contains few other sub folders.
Folder | Description |
bin | Node executable binary (ztx and ztxd) |
config | Configuration file for the node (ztx.json) |
coredump | Crash debugging log |
data | Node storage database location |
jslib | Extra library |
log | Running and error logs |
scripts | Script to run executable binary as service |
Deploy Sync Node With Automated P2P Address Generation
Navigate to the "scripts" folder.
To run the node, execute the "ztx" script as shown below.
Check the node status, the status should display the node is running.
Make sure to open P2P port (18001), API port (18002) and Websocket port (18003). The ports can be changed from configuration file (ztx.json).
If you deploy the node from within your home network router, please make sure to do port forwarding on the router to allow inbound connection for these ports.
Last updated