
Blockchain Node List API, Node Stat API, Node Count API and Blockchain Information API.

Each of these APIs serves a specific purpose within the context of blockchain networks. They enable developers and users to gather insights, monitor network health, and access various data points related to nodes and the overall blockchain system.

The Node List API provides detailed information about a specific node in a blockchain network. It allows you to retrieve various details related to a particular node, such as node address, node status, block height, network connectivity, and other relevant metadata. This API is particularly useful for monitoring and analyzing individual nodes within the network and assessing their performance and status.

The Node Stat API provides statistical information and metrics related to individual nodes in a blockchain network. It allows users to retrieve data about the performance, status, and behavior of specific nodes within the network.

The Blockchain Information API provides comprehensive data and information about the blockchain network as a whole. It includes various endpoints to access essential blockchain details, such as the current block height, transaction history, chain name, transaction list and other relevant information. This API is typically used to obtain an overview of the blockchain network and to retrieve historical and real-time data about the blockchain's operation.

The Node Count API provides information about the number of active nodes in a blockchain network. It typically returns a count or statistical data indicating the total number of nodes currently participating in the network. This API helps monitor the health and decentralization of the blockchain network by tracking the number of active nodes and ensuring a robust network infrastructure.

Node list

GET HTTP /ztx/core/node-list?nodeType=VALIDATOR_NODE&pageNo=1&pageSize=100

CURL Command

curl GET https://{endpoint}/ztx/core/node-list?nodeType=VALIDATOR_NODE&pageNo=1&pageSize=100
  • Function

To view list of node running.

  • Return Value

    "object": {
        "pageNum": 1,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "content": [
                "chainId": null,
                "nodeName": "Node 21",
                "nodeAddress": "ZTX3XY22vmRwWuKxn7UNuXdpLANfBx5Gx9bca",
                "consensusAddress": null,
                "monitored": null,
                "nodeType": null,
                "nodeStatus": "RUNNING",
                "operatingSystem": null,
                "expirationTime": null,
                "expirationTimeDay": null,
                "certEndTime": null,
                "certEndTimeDay": null,
                "licenseEndTime": null,
                "licenseEndTimeDay": null,
                "blockSeq": null,
                "blockHash": null
                "chainId": null,
                "nodeName": "Node 1",
                "nodeAddress": "ZTX3RuTB1VcoNi7pmBUDFvAXe3HB6rKf7jeW2",
                "consensusAddress": null,
                "monitored": null,
                "nodeType": null,
                "nodeStatus": "RUNNING",
                "operatingSystem": null,
                "expirationTime": null,
                "expirationTimeDay": null,
                "certEndTime": null,
                "certEndTimeDay": null,
                "licenseEndTime": null,
                "licenseEndTimeDay": null,
                "blockSeq": null,
                "blockHash": null


Node stat

GET HTTP /ztx/core/node-stat

CURL Command

curl GET https://{endpoint}/ztx/core/node-stat
  • Function

To view statistics of node running.

  • Return Value

    "object": {
        "total": 38,
        "validatorNodeStat": {
            "total": 35,
            "onlineCount": 31,
            "offlineCount": 4,
            "warnCount": 0
        "synchronousNodeStat": {
            "total": 3,
            "onlineCount": 0,
            "offlineCount": 1,
            "warnCount": 1
    "messages": []

Blockchain info

GET HTTP /ztx/core/blockchain-info

CURL Command

curl GET https://{endpoint}/ztx/core/blockchain-info
  • Function

To view overall of blockchain information.

  • Return Value

    "object": {
        "chainId": 1635227727,
        "transactionNum": 1138594,
        "accountNum": 109614,
        "blockchainHeight": 1342741,
        "txTpsMax": 6,
        "currentTps": 0,
        "txNumLastDay": 90,
        "txNumPs": 0,
        "blockAverageGeneTime": 36,
        "preBlockGeneTime": 21,
        "netStatus": "NORMAL",
        "operationTime": 568,
        "updateTime": 1689041401239,
        "chainName": "ZETRIX Genesis Chain",
        "lastLedgerList": [
                "seq": 1342741,
                "txNum": 0,
                "ledgerAge": 24
                "seq": 1342740,
                "txNum": 0,
                "ledgerAge": 84
                "seq": 1342739,
                "txNum": 0,
                "ledgerAge": 144
                "seq": 1342738,
                "txNum": 0,
                "ledgerAge": 204
                "seq": 1342737,
                "txNum": 0,
                "ledgerAge": 264
        "lastTxList": [
                "senderAddress": "ZTX3TMHqen5SSFhgDRPapLwR7MXn5UYuQBzsS",
                "txHash": "ac343453c7fe8b60773739582f363efbd1d2af60def3296dc7b96563cd4a2a01",
                "txTime": 1689040801000
                "senderAddress": "ZTX3Uz3b6CTXXDNQfv6W4Kuje98CDqqVH6wkB",
                "txHash": "83770bb477e5a0f37699e0c76cf93041201659320c81b2b654ba176b35bcfc10",
                "txTime": 1689040038000
                "senderAddress": "ZTX3TMHqen5SSFhgDRPapLwR7MXn5UYuQBzsS",
                "txHash": "7ee4f74edc949cb4dacdbfe65d635cdc339676d560f5b9efcef1fd7e8c5c44e5",
                "txTime": 1689037205000
                "senderAddress": "ZTX3K4ShVibYSf22yTu4SMH3ZUBn2KwiFG1jQ",
                "txHash": "9b9c995362d7dc4ea023d38b9c0fd2440937c9600860bc99fb42732a888a16c9",
                "txTime": 1689036655000
                "senderAddress": "ZTX3K4ShVibYSf22yTu4SMH3ZUBn2KwiFG1jQ",
                "txHash": "f4cf7bfc7a20a3498a6cd8b607fba1f23c786c1418e05561cbc4b305f0c75966",
                "txTime": 1689036628000
    "messages": []

Node count

GET HTTP /ztx/core/node-count

CURL Command

curl GET https://{endpoint}/ztx/core/node-count
  • Function

To view node running based on geographical. Geography Code is refer as follow:











North America


South America

  • Return Value

    "object": [
            "geographyCode": 0,
            "total": 12
            "geographyCode": 1,
            "total": 6
            "geographyCode": 4,
            "total": 3
            "geographyCode": 5,
            "total": 2
            "geographyCode": 3,
            "total": 6
            "geographyCode": 2,
            "total": 6
    "messages": []

Block Height

GET HTTP /ztx/core/block-height

CURL Command

GET https://{endpoint}/ztx/core/block-height
  • Function

To get latest block height from the node

  • Return Value

    "object": "1582107",
    "messages": []

Last updated