Security Best Practices

Ensuring the security of smart contracts is paramount, as vulnerabilities can lead to significant financial losses, compromised data integrity, and erosion of user trust. When developing smart contracts using JavaScript, whether on the Zetrix blockchain or other platforms that support JavaScript-based smart contracts, adhering to security best practices is essential. Below is a comprehensive guide to the security best practices for JavaScript smart contracts.

1. Understand the Smart Contract Environment

Before diving into coding, it's crucial to understand the blockchain environment you're working within:

  • Blockchain Specifics: Familiarize yourself with the Zetrix blockchain’s architecture, consensus mechanism (DPoS), and how it handles smart contracts.

  • Execution Model: Understand how smart contracts are executed, including gas costs, transaction handling, and state management.

  • Security Model: Grasp the security model of the blockchain, including permission levels, access controls, and typical attack vectors.

2. Follow Secure Coding Standards

Adhering to established coding standards helps prevent common vulnerabilities:

  • Use Strict Mode: Enable strict mode in JavaScript ('use strict';) to catch common coding bloopers, preventing the use of undeclared variables and other errors.

    'use strict';
  • Consistent Coding Style: Maintain a consistent coding style using tools like ESLint with security-focused plugins (e.g., eslint-plugin-security).

  • Modular Code Structure: Break down your code into smaller, reusable, and testable modules to enhance readability and maintainability.

3. Input Validation and Sanitization

Always validate and sanitize inputs to prevent malicious data from causing unexpected behavior:

  • Type Checking: Ensure that inputs are of the expected type (e.g., numbers, strings, addresses).

    function transferFrom(from, to, value) {
      Utils.assert(Utils.addressCheck(from) === true, 'Arg-from is not a valid address.');
      Utils.assert(Utils.addressCheck(to) === true, 'Arg-to is not a valid address.');
      Utils.assert(Utils.stoI64Check(value) === true, 'Arg-value must be alphanumeric.');
      Utils.assert(Utils.int64Compare(value, '0') > 0, 'Arg-value must be greater than 0.');
      Utils.assert(from !== to, 'From cannot equal to address.');
        // Transfer logic
  • Boundary Checks: Implement checks for input ranges to avoid integer overflows or underflows.

    function checkBalance(amount <= balances[msg.sender], "Insufficient balance");
  • Avoid Trusting External Inputs: Do not trust data coming from outside the contract without proper validation.

4. Access Control and Authorization

Implement robust access control mechanisms to restrict sensitive functions:

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Define roles (e.g., admin, user) and restrict function access based on these roles.

    const roles = {
        ADMIN: "admin",
        USER: "user",
    function setAdmin(newAdmin) {
        // Check if the current user has the ADMIN role
        if (hasAdminRole()) {
            // Set the new admin
            admin = newAdmin;
        } else {
            // Handle error or unauthorized access
            console.error("Only admins can set the admin");
    // Function to check if the current user has the ADMIN role
    function hasAdminRole() {
        // Implement logic to check the user's role based on your authentication and authorization mechanism
        // For example, you might use a token or session to store the user's role
        return true; // Replace with your actual implementation
  • Modifiers: Use function modifiers to enforce access restrictions.

    function onlyAdmin(fn) {
        return function() {
            if (msg.sender !== admin) {
                throw new Error("Caller is not admin");
            return fn.apply(this, arguments);
    function sensitiveFunction() {
        // Sensitive operations
    // Apply the modifier
    sensitiveFunction = onlyAdmin(sensitiveFunction);
  • Least Privilege Principle: Grant the minimum necessary permissions to each role or function.

5. Prevent Reentrancy Attacks

Reentrancy is a common attack vector where an external contract calls back into the vulnerable contract before the initial execution is complete:

  • Use Checks-Effects-Interactions Pattern: Perform all necessary checks, update state variables, and then interact with external contracts.

    function withdraw(amount, account) {
      // Check if the account has sufficient balance
      if (balances[account] < amount) {
        throw new Error("Insufficient balance");
      // Update account balance
      balances[account] -= amount;
      // Simulate transfer (assuming a separate function for handling transfers)
      transferFunds(account, amount);
    function transferFunds(account, amount) {
      // Implement logic to transfer funds to the recipient (e.g., using a payment gateway)
      console.log(`Transferred ${amount} to account ${account}`);
  • Reentrancy Guards: Implement mutexes or reentrancy guards to prevent multiple simultaneous calls.

    let locked = false;
    function noReentrancy(fn) {
      return function() {
        if (locked) {
          throw new Error("No reentrancy");
        locked = true;
        try {
          return fn.apply(this, arguments);
        } finally {
          locked = false;
    function withdraw(amount) {
      // Withdrawal logic
    // Apply the modifier
    withdraw = noReentrancy(withdraw);

6. Secure Handling of ZETRIX and Tokens

Manage the transfer and receipt of Ether or tokens securely:

  • Use Safe Transfer Methods: Prefer using Chain.payCoin for transferring ZETRIX, or use safe token transfer functions provided by Zetrix Standard.

    function safeTransferFrom(paramObj) {
      Utils.assert(checkAssetExsit(id), 'Check Token not exist.');
      let owner = getAssetOwner(id);
      Utils.assert(owner === from, 'Token owner not equal from.');
      Utils.assert(owner === Chain.msg.sender || getApproveSingle(id) === Chain.msg.sender || getApproveAll(owner, Chain.msg.sender), 'No privilege to trans.');
      saveAssetUserCount(from, Utils.int64Sub(getAssetUserCount(from), '1'));
      saveAssetUserCount(to, Utils.int64Add(getAssetUserCount(to), '1'));
      saveAssetOwner(id, to);
      _approve(owner, id, '');
      Chain.tlog('Transfer', owner, to, id);

7. Implement Proper Error Handling

Ensure that your smart contract gracefully handles errors:

  • Use Require, Revert, and Assert Appropriately:

    • require for input validation and conditions.

    • revert for manual error throwing with messages.

    • assert for invariants and conditions that should never be false.

    javascriptCopy coderequire(condition, "Error message");
  • Descriptive Error Messages: Provide clear and descriptive error messages to aid in debugging and transparency.

8. Optimize for Gas Efficiency

While not directly a security practice, optimizing gas usage can prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks related to out-of-gas exceptions:

  • Efficient Code: Write gas-efficient code to minimize transaction costs and prevent attackers from exploiting high gas consumption.

    javascriptCopy code// Inefficient
    for (len i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        // Operations
    // Optimized
    let len = array.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        // Operations
  • Avoid Unbounded Loops: Limit the number of iterations in loops to prevent excessive gas consumption.

9. Conduct Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing

Regularly assess the security posture of your smart contracts:

  • Scheduled Audits: Plan periodic security audits, especially after significant code changes or updates.

  • Bug Bounties: Consider implementing bug bounty programs to incentivize external security researchers to identify vulnerabilities.

  • Automated Testing: Integrate automated security testing into your continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.

10. Implement Time Locks and Pausable/Freezable Contracts

Provide mechanisms to mitigate potential vulnerabilities post-deployment:

  • Time Locks: Introduce delays for critical operations to allow for oversight and intervention if malicious activity is detected.

    function setTimelock(_delay){
        timelock = block.timestamp + _delay;
    function criticalFunction(){
        require(block.timestamp >= timelock, "Timelock not expired");
        // Critical operations
  • Pausable/Freezable Contracts: Allow the contract to be paused in case of emergencies to prevent further damage.

function freezed(paramObj) {
  Utils.assert( !== undefined && > 0, 'Param obj has no id.');
  let freezedObj = {};
  freezedObj.freezed = getAsset(;
  return freezedObj;


Developing secure JavaScript-based smart contracts on the Zetrix blockchain—or any blockchain platform—requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses secure coding practices, thorough testing, regular audits, and continuous monitoring. By adhering to the best practices outlined above, you can significantly mitigate the risk of vulnerabilities and ensure the robustness and reliability of your smart contracts.

Last updated