
Introduction to Zetrix Smart Contract


The Zetrix Smart Contract is a snippet of JavaScript code, with a standard (ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262). The initialization function of the contract is init, the entry function of the execution is the main function, and the query interface is query. The parameter string input of these functions is specified when the contract is called.

The following is a simple example:

"use strict";
function init(input)
  /*init whatever you want*/

function main(input)
  let para = JSON.parse(input);
  if (para.do_foo)
    let x = {
      'hello' : 'world'

function query(input)
  return input;

Objects in the Interfaces

The global objects Chain and Utils are provided in the Zetrix smart contract. These two objects provide various methods and variables, which can get some information about the blockchain, and can also drive the account to initiate all transactions, excluding setting thresholds and weights.

Note: The custom variables should not be duplicated with built-in objects, because this can result in uncontrollable data errors.

Method Usage

Object. method (variable)

  • Obtain the account balance

  • Print logs

  • The current block number


Read and Write Privileges

  1. Each function in the object has a fixed read-only or write privilege.

    • Read-only permissions are interface functions that do not write data to the blockchain, such as getting the balance Chain.getBalance.

    • Write permissions refer to interface functions that write data to the blockchain, such as transfer gas Chain.payCoin.

  2. When writing smart contracts, you should be noted that different entry functions have different calling permissions.

    • init and main can call all built-in functions.

    • query can only call functions with read-only permissions, otherwise the interface will be prompted undefined during debugging or execution.

Return Value

When calling an internal function, return false if it fails or throw an exception and terminate the call, otherwise it is successful for other objects. If a parameter error is encountered, the parameter position error will be indicated in the error description. The position here refers to the index number of the parameter, that is, counting from 0. For example, parameter 1 indicates that the 2 parameter is incorrect.

The following is an example:

Chain.issueAsset("CNY", 10000);
    Error description:
    Contract execute error,issueAsset parameter 1 should be a string

    It means that the second parameter should be a string

Methods of the Chain Object

This section describes some methods of the Chain object, including Chain.load,, Chain.del, Chain.getBlockHash, Chain.tlog, Chain.getAccountMetadata, Chain.getBalance, Chain.getAccountAsset, Chain.getContractProperty, Chain.payCoin, Chain.issueAsset, Chain.payAsset, Chain.delegateCall, Chain.delegateQuery, Chain.contractCall, Chain.contractQuery, and Chain.contractCreate.


  • Description

    Get the metadata information of the contract account.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • Metadata_key: The keyword for metadata.

  • Example

    let value = Chain.load('abc');
      Permission: Read-only.
      Return value: Return a string if it succeeds, such as 'values'; return false if it fails.

  • Description

    Store the metadata information of the contract account.

  • Function call, metadata_value);
  • Parameter description

    • metadata_key: The keyword for metadata.

    • metadata_key: The content of metadata.

  • Example'abc', 'values');
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails


  • Description

    Delete the metadata information of the contract account.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • metadata_key: The keyword for metadata.

    • metadata_key: The metadata content.

  • Example

      Permission: Write
      Return: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails


  • Description

    Get block information.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • offset_seq: The offset from the last block ranges: [0,1024).

  • Example

    let ledger = Chain.getBlockHash(4);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string if it succeeds, such as'c2f6892eb934d56076a49f8b01aeb3f635df3d51aaed04ca521da3494451afb3', or return false if it fails


  • Description

    Output transaction logs.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • tlog will generate a transaction written on the block.

    • topic: The log subject, which must be a string type with a parameter length of (0,128].

    • args...: It can contain up to 5 parameters, which can be string, numeric or Boolean type, with each parameter length (0,1024].

  • Example

    Chain.tlog('transfer',sender +' transfer 1000',true);
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails


  • Description

    Get the metadata of the specified account.

  • Function call

    Chain.getAccountMetadata(account_address, metadata_key);
  • Parameter description

    • account_address: The account address.

    • metadata_key: The keyword for metadata.

  • Example

    let value = Chain.getAccountMetadata('ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE', 'abc');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string if it succeeds, such as 'values', or return false if it fails.


  • Description

    Get the coin amount of the account.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • address: The account address

  • Example

    let balance = Chain.getBalance('ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Number in string format '9999111100000'


  • Description

    Get asset information for an account

  • Function call

    Chain.getAccountAsset(account_address, asset_key);
  • Parameter description

    • account_address: The account address.

    • asset_key: The asset attributes.

  • Example

    let asset_key =
      'issuer' : 'ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE',
      'code' : 'CNY'
    let bar = Chain.getAccountAsset('ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE', asset_key);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return the asset value such as '10000' if it succeeds, or return false if it fails


  • Description

    Get privilege info for an account.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • account_address: The account address。

  • Example

    let bar = Chain.getAccountPrivilege('ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: If it succeeds, the permission JSON string is returned, such as' {"master" weight ": 1," thresholds ": '{" TX "threshold": 1}}'. If it fails, the false is returned.


  • Description

    Get the attributes of the contract account.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • contract_address: The contract address.

  • Example

    let value = Chain.getContractProperty('ztxSgCwYLWoCZnP6s2WXtQCwhxuFxhvsr375z');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a JSON object such as {"type":0, "length" : 416} if it succeeds, where the type refers to the contract type and the length refers to the code length of the contract, and if the account is not a contract, then the length is 0; return false if it fails.


  • Description

    Transfer gas.

  • Function call

    Chain.payCoin(address, amount[, input]);
  • Parameter description

    • address: The target address.

    • amount: The amount of Gas.

    • input: Optional, the contract parameter. By default, it is an empty string if it is not filled in.

  • Example

    Chain.payCoin("ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE", "10000", "{}");
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails  


  • Description

    Issue assets.

  • Function call

    Chain.issueAsset(code, amount);
  • Parameter description

    • code: The asset code.

    • amount: The amount of the asset to be issued.

  • Example

    Chain.issueAsset("CNY", "10000");
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails  


  • Description

    Transfer assets

  • Function call

    Chain.payAsset(address, issuer, code, amount[, input]);
  • Parameter description

    • address: The target address.

    • issuer: The asset issuer.

    • code: The asset code.

    • amount: The amount to be transferred.

    • input: Optional, the contract parameter. By default, it is an empty string if it is not filled in.

  • Example

    Chain.payAsset("ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE", "ztxSj9kGyXR2YpyxwZVMrnGcLWoG3Hf9qXne8", "CNY", "10000", "{}");
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails    


  • Description

    Delegate call.

  • Function call

    Chain.delegateCall(contractAddress, input);
  • Parameter description

    • contractAddress: The address of the contract to be called.

    • input:Input parameter.

    The Chain.delegateCall function will trigger the main function of the contract to be called, and the Chain.delegateCall function will assign the execution environment of the current contract to the contract to be called.

  • Example

    let ret = Chain.delegateCall('ztxSgGkHuPv6FQUu6C5uWnaqyKJ22bSNrJUCJ''{}');
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return a result if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    Delegate query.

  • Function call

    Chain.delegateQuery(contractAddress, input);
  • Parameter description

    • contractAddress: The address of the contract to be called.

    • input:Input parameter.

    The Chain.delegateQuery function will trigger the query function of the contract to be called, and the Chain.delegateQuery function will assign the execution environment of the current contract to the contract to be called.

  • Example

    let ret = Chain.delegateQuery('ztxSgGkHuPv6FQUu6C5uWnaqyKJ22bSNrJUCJ'"");
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: If the target account is a normal account, it returns true. If the target account is a contract, and the call succeeds, the string {"result":"4"} is returned, where the value of the result field is the specific result of the query, and if the call fails return {"error ":true} string.


  • Description

    Call contracts.

  • Function call

    Chain.contractCall(contractAddress, asset, amount, input);
  • Parameter description

    • contractAddress: The address of the contract to be called

    • asset: The asset class, true for Gas, object {"issue": adxxx, "code" : USDT} for assets.

    • amount: The amount of the asset.

    • input:Input parameter.

    The Chain.contractCall function triggers the main function entry of the contract to be called.

  • Example

    let ret = Chain.contractCall('ztxSgGkHuPv6FQUu6C5uWnaqyKJ22bSNrJUCJ'true, toBaseUnit("10"), "");
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return true if the target account is a normal account. If the target account is a contract, the return value of the main function is returned if the call succeeds, and an exception is thrown if the call fails.


  • Description

    Query contracts.

  • Function call

    Chain.contractQuery(contractAddress, input);
  • Parameter description

    • contractAddress: The address of the contract to be called

    • input:Input parameter.

    The Chain.contractQuery function will call the query interface of the contract.

  • Example

    let ret = Chain.contractQuery('ztxSgGkHuPv6FQUu6C5uWnaqyKJ22bSNrJUCJ'"");
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: If the call succeeds, the string {"result":"xxx"} is returned, where the value of the result field is the specific result of the query, and if the call fails, return a string of {"error":true}.


  • Description

    Create Contracts.

  • Function call

    Chain.contractCreate(balance, type, code, input);
  • Parameter description

    • balance: The asset that is transferred to the contract created, in string.

    • type :0 indicates javascript, in integer.

    • code: The contract code, in string.

    • input:The initiation parameter of the init function.

    The Chain.contractCreate function create contracts.

  • Example

    let ret = Chain.contractCreate(toBaseUnit("10"), 0, "'use strict';function init(input){return input;} function main(input){return input;} function query(input){return input;} ", "");
      Permission: Write
      Return value: Return the contract address if it is created successfully, or throw an exception if it fails.

Variables of the Chain Object

This section introduces some variables of the Chain object, respectively Chain.block, Chain.tx , Chain.msg related variables and Chain.thisAddress. The variables of the block information include Chain.block.timestamp, Chain.block.number. Variables for transaction information include Chain.tx.initiator, Chain.tx.sender, Chain.tx.gasPrice, Chain.tx.hash, chain.tx.feeLimit. The variables of the message include Chain.msg.initiator, Chain.msg.sender, Chain.msg.coinAmount, Chain.msg.asset, Chain.msg.nonce, Chain.msg.operationIndex.



  • Variable description

    The timestamp of the block when the current transaction is executed.


  • Variable description

    The height of the block where the current transaction is executed.


  • Variable description

    The transaction information signed by the user at the time of the transaction.


  • Variable description

    The original originator of the transaction, that is the fee payer of the transaction.


  • Variable description

    The most primitive trigger of the transaction, that is the account in the transaction that triggers the execution of the contract. For example, an account initiates a transaction, and an operation in the transaction is to call the contract Y (the source_address of the operation is x), then the value of the sender is the address of the account x during the execution of the contract Y.

  • Example

    let bar = Chain.tx.sender;
     Then the value of bar is the account address of x.


  • Variable description

    The price of the gas in the transaction signature.


  • Variable description

    The hash value of the transaction.


  • Variable description

    The limit fee for the transaction.


A message is the information that triggers the execution of a smart contract in a transaction. During the execution of the triggered contract, the transaction information will not be changed and the message will change. For example, when calling Chain.contractCall,Chain.contractQuery in a contract, the message will change.


  • Variable description

    The original originator account for this message.


  • Variable description

    The account number for triggering this message.

  • Example

    For example, an account initiates a transaction, and an operation in the transaction is to call the contract Y (the source_address of the operation is x), then the value of the sender is the address of the account x during the execution of the contract Y.

    let bar = Chain.msg.sender;
    Then the value of bar is the account address of x.


  • Variable description

    The Gas for this payment operation


  • Variable description

    The assets for this payment operation

  • Example

        "amount": 1000, 
        "key" : {
            "issuer": "ztxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE", 


  • Variable description

    The nonce value of the initiator in this transaction, ie the nonce value of the Chain.msg.initiator account.


  • Variable description

    The sequence number for triggering this contract calling operation.

  • Example

    For example, an account A initiates a transaction tx0, and tx0 has a 0th (counting from 0) operation which is to transfer assets to a contract account (contract call), then the value of Chain.msg.operationIndex is 0.

    let bar = Chain.msg.operationIndex;
    /* bar is a non-negative integer*/


  • Variable description

    The address of the current contract account.

  • Example

    For example, the account x initiates a transaction to call contract Y. During this execution, the value is the address of the contract account Y.

    let bar = Chain.msg.thisAddress;
     The value of bar is the account address of the contract Y.

Methods of the Utils Object

This section describes some of the methods of the Utils object, including Utils.log, Utils.stoI256Check, Utils.int256Add, Utils.int256Sub , Utils.int256Mul, Utils.int256Mod, Utils.int256Div, Utils.int256Compare, Utils.assert, Utils.sha256, Utils.ecVerify, Utils.toBaseUnit, Utils.addressCheck and Utils.toAddress.


  • Description

    Output logs.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • info: The log content.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.log('hello');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: If it succeeds, no value will be returned, and a snippet of Trace log will be output in the process of executing the contract, such as V8contract log[adxSnBFboATCEgbiDRYS7gfbe1XRsTPWJhCFE:hello], or return false if it fails.


  • Description

    Legal check for string numerics.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • strNumber: String numeric parameter

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.stoI256Check('12345678912345');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.


  • Description

    256-bit addition.

  • Function call

    Utils.int256Add(left_value, right_value);
  • Parameter description

    • left_value: Left value.

    • right_value: Right value.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.int256Add('12345678912345', 1);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string if it succeeds, such as '12345678912346', or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    256-bit subtraction.

  • Function call

    Utils.int256Sub(left_value, right_value);
  • Parameter description

    • left_value: Left value.

    • right_value:Right value.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.int256Sub('12345678912345', 1);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string such as '12345678912344' if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    256-bit multiplication.

  • Function call

    Utils.int256Mul(left_value, right_value);
  • Parameter description

    • left_value: Left value.

    • right_value:Right value.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.int256Mul('12345678912345', 2);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string such as '24691357824690' if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    256-bit modulo.

  • Function call

    Utils.int256Mod(left_value, right_value);
  • Parameter description

    • left_value: Left value.

    • right_value: Right value.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.int256Mod('12345678912345', 2);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string such as '1' if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    256-bit division.

  • Function call

    Utils.int256Div(left_value, right_value);
  • Parameter description

    • left_value: Left value.

    • right_value: Right value.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.int256Div('12345678912345', 2);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return '6172839456172' if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    256-bit comparison.

  • Function call

    Utils.int256Compare(left_value, right_value);
  • Parameter description

    • left_value: Left value.

    • right_value: Right value.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.int256Compare('12345678912345', 2);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return 1 if it succeeds (the left value is greater than the right value), or throw an exception if it fails.
  • Return value

    1: left value is greater than right value, 0: left value equals to right value, -1: left value less than right value.


  • Description

    256 assertion.

  • Function call

    Utils.assert(condition[, message]);
  • Parameter description

    • condition: Assertive variable

    • message: Optional, an exception message is thrown when it fails

  • Example

    Utils.assert(1===1, "Not valid");
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails  


  • Description

    sha256 computation.

  • Function call

    Utils.sha256(data[, dataType]);
  • Parameter description

    • data: The raw data of the hash to be calculated. According to the dataType, fill in the data in different formats.

    • dataType: The data type, integer, optional field, by default is 0. 0: base16 encoded string, such as "61626364"; 1: ordinary original string, such as "abcd"; 2: base64 encoded string, such as "YWJjZA==". If you are calculating binary data, it is recommended to use base16 or base64 encoding.

  • Return value

    Return a base16 encoded string if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.sha256('61626364');
      Permission: Read-only
      Function: Right
      Return value: Return a 64-byte base16 string if it succeeds, such as '88d4266fd4e6338d13b845fcf289579d209c897823b9217da3e161936f031589', or return false it fails.


  • Description

    Check if the signature is legal.

  • Function call

    Utils.ecVerify(signedData, publicKey,blobData [, blobDataType]);
  • Parameter description

    • signedData: The signature data, a string encoded by base16.

    • publicKey: The public key, a string encoded by base16.

    • blobData: The raw data, fill in different formats of data per blobDataType.

    • blobDataType: The blobData type, integer, optional field, the default is 0. 0: base16 encoded string, such as "61626364"; 1: ordinary original string, such as "abcd"; 2: base64 encoded string, such as "YWJjZA==". If you are verifying binary data, it is recommended to use base16 or base64 encoding.

  • Return value

    Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.ecVerify('3471aceac411975bb83a22d7a0f0499b4bfcb504e937d29bb11ea263b5f657badb40714850a1209a0940d1ccbcfc095c4b2d38a7160a824a6f9ba11f743ad80a', 'b0014e28b305b56ae3062b2cee32ea5b9f3eccd6d738262c656b56af14a3823b76c2a4adda3c', 'abcd', 1);
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails


  • Description

Transform the unit.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • value: The converted number, only string is allowed to pass in, and it can contain a decimal point, which allows up to 6 digits after the decimal point.

  • Return value

    Return a string multiplied by 10^6 if it succeeds or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.toBaseUnit('12345678912');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return a string '1234567891200000000' if it succeeds, or throw an exception if it fails.


  • Description

    Address legality check.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • address The address parameter in string.

  • Return value

    Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.addressCheck('ztxSj9kGyXR2YpyxwZVMrnGcLWoG3Hf9qXne8');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.


  • Description

    Transform a public key to an address.

  • Function call

  • Parameter description

    • public_key The public key, a base16 encoded string

  • Return value

    Return the account address if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.toAddress('b0016ebe6191f2eb73a4f62880b2874cae1191183f50e1b18b23fcf40b75b7cd5745d671d1c8');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return "adxSkMvC2RcvXLpDgXBJCSb4m9mPe8gpNDKAG" if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.


  • Description

    Verifying the certificate for scope (for privacy protection).

  • Function call

    Utils.bcRangeProofVerify(commit, proof);
  • Parameter description

    • commit, 66 bit Pedersen commitment string

    • proof, Range proof string, variable length

  • Return value

    Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.bpRangeProofVerify('097ff10254037114cae985f044189a3faa044ac32c26ffadc0f08dc4b81a536638', '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');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.


  • Description

    Verifying the equal for Output and input (for privacy protection).

  • Function call

    Utils.pedersenTallyVerify(input_commits, output_commits, excess_msg, excess_sig);
  • Parameter description

    • input_commits, Enter Pedersen commitment list, JSON array

    • output_commits, Output Pedersen commitment list, JSON array

    • excess_msg, Message to be signed, 32-bit string, no encoding requirements

    • excess_sig, Signature result string of transaction core (input minus output remainder)

  • Return value

    Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

  • Example

    let ret = Utils.pedersenTallyVerify(['08aab3b3c403129887d1f5932565c0fd9ef7b8d562de6eb0b6eb64c1b7396d268a'], ['08a64f2ed7be3940dfb5b76b450418524df48837595c98698dbe191708cb911c40', '09c28bb504d0c4e4ea4f19e3041a90b608aada114fab1786175ffaefd5fe6c0d3b'], 'b649bd965a5126984cc785cbeb1ef053', '304402202345c4e1f4efd8bfdb77681e7d638f9a8f29f473e47a698c56eeab3fe3bc278502206bbdf0db0e04bafa4a88c0382b9b600e72976fceeaa9129cb257a82a89ee52fb');
      Permission: Read-only
      Return value: Return true if it succeeds, or return false if it fails.

Exception Handling

  • JavaScript exceptions

    When an uncaught JavaScript exception occurs during contract execution, the processing rules:

    1. The execution of this contract fails and all transactions made in the contract will not take effect.

    2. The transaction that triggered this contract is a failure. The error code is 151.

  • Failure in transaction execution

    Multiple transactions can be executed in a contract. If one transaction fails, an exception will be thrown, causing the entire transaction to fail

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